Some customer cases

Node1 has been a reliable partner in IT for over 10 years. With our smart business apps & office bots, we also show that modernizing your application landscape can be done quickly and affordably. Below you can see some examples of how our smart business apps & office bots support or have completely taken over repetitive manual work at customers in various sectors.

grid operator

Translating instructional drawings into work preparation

At this grid operator, many households and businesses are connected and disconnected from the energy grid every day. Node1 built a smart business app that takes some of the work preparation out of the hands of the office staff.
Legal & Finance
online legal consulting firm

File objections on the OM website

This online legal services provider submits objections to the Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) for traffic fines on behalf of its clients. Node1 automated the uploading of these objections with the deployment of a smart office bot.
kitchen manufacturer

Processing & booking of purchase invoices

This large kitchen manufacturer receives about 240,000 purchase invoices annually. Node1 built a smart office bot that automatically retrieves these invoices every day from email, reads them and then processes them in the ERP system.
HR & Staffing

Approve hours & check invoices

From this outsourcing company, some 2,000 specialists work in the Netherlands, writing their hours every week. Node1 has built three smart office bots, which check the hours written, send reminders and notifications and check the draft invoices.
Professional Services
Big Four service provider

RPA Citizen Development program

For this business service provider, Node1 created an RPA Citizen Development program. After 10 weeks of training, 15 employees automated more than 5,000 hours a year of their own routine work.
Legal & Finance
accounting firm

Checking & processing payroll run mutations

In the payroll consulting department of this accounting firm, some 4,000 payrolls are checked every month. Node1 set up two smart office bots that automatically check and report on the administrations.