Smart business apps & office bots
for back office and front office

We implement smart business apps & office bots, which automate manual office work and replace outdated business applications or out-of-control Excel sheets. Low-code implemented based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform, so they integrate seamlessly with your Microsoft 365 environment, are easily customizable and extensible, and have low licensing costs.

Smart office bots

-These are smart extensions to an existing business application -for example, your ERP system- that automate or digitize what the application itself cannot do. This removes a lot of manual input and control work from the users of the application.

What our office bots do like:

Retrieving, entering and checking orders or invoices

Scheduling appointments

Sending notifications

Creating and sending reports

Retrieving, organizing and storing documents

Performing compliance checks

Approving hours, leave, training and expense reports

Working with all your applications

When it comes to business applications, our bots prefer to work with Dynamics 365. But the bots can also work with other and even outdated applications (without digital links) without having to modify them: using "UI Automation," the bots simply operate the screens as your people normally would.

Log in to external web portals

Moreover, with this same "UI automation" technology, the smart bots can also retrieve or input information from external websites, for example, portals of customers, suppliers or government agencies.

Can handle anything with AI

And using Artificial Intelligence (AI), bots can additionally read and process PDFs, such as orders or invoices and scanned forms, even if they are handwritten. They can also, for example, categorize and summarize emails and forward them to the right people or department.

Smart business apps

These are user-friendly business applications that play a central role in one or more of your business processes. They often replace an outdated CRM system, or an expensive industry-specific business application that no longer meets today's needs.

Examples of smart business apps:

A central customer administration system integrated with Teams & Outlook

An application for approving employee requests

A lead and order management system

A virtual assistant that looks up and summarizes information (internal or external)

A Practice Management application

A customer service application

A planning tool and mobile app for field employees

Not only for employees

In addition to employees, smart apps can also be deployed toward customers or partners. For example, in the form of a service portal or app, or a user dashboard.

Tandem with the smart bots

Of course, these apps can also be used to manage the smart bots. For example, with regard to scheduling work, or catching exception cases that the bot itself does not manage.

Maximum integrated

By the way, due to the close integration with Microsoft 365, instead of creating a separate app, it is often also an option to create a "plug-in" for one of your existing applications. This means, for example, that an additional button then simply appears in Teams or Sharepoint, with which the functionality can be invoked directly.

Underlying technology

As the basis for implementing our smart business apps & office bots, we use today's best low-code application and automation platforms.

Microsoft Dynamics 365

In most cases, we use Microsoft Dynamics 365, supplemented by Microsoft Power Platform for extensions and integrations. Apart from the extensive functionality, a major advantage is that both platforms integrate seamlessly with your Microsoft 365 environment, so that things like user rights and data management are already taken care of, and existing User Interfaces can be reused.

For separate Power Platform implementations, the required licenses are often also largely already covered in your existing Microsoft 365, making the total additional licensing costs for the smart apps & bots then very low.

Microsoft AI

Our smart business apps & office bots are "smart" not only because they can be built quickly and affordably, but also because we can give them intelligent skills, using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In most cases, we develop these skills with Microsoft AI Builder or Copilot Studio. These are both extensions of Microsoft Power Platform and contain many pre-trained LLMs and other AI models that are easy to implement in your smart business apps & office bots.

Microsoft Power Platform

In most cases, we use Microsoft Dynamics 365, supplemented by Microsoft Power Platform for extensions and integrations. Apart from the extensive functionality, a major advantage is that both platforms integrate seamlessly with your Microsoft 365 environment, so that things like user rights and data management are already taken care of, and existing User Interfaces can be reused.

For separate Power Platform implementations, the required licenses are often also largely already covered in your existing Microsoft 365, making the total additional licensing costs for the smart apps & bots then very low.